phones, and overall of informal communities and the Internet, should be controlled by those engaged with youth, remembering the aftereffects of the examinations that have been completed in this field as of late. There are deceptions on this issue, and exactly thus it is vital to have natural and precise data, for example, the one we distributed in the 1/2015 issue.

We have as of now discussed the connection between small kids (0 to 6 years) and new advancements in this article. In this piece, we center rather on the age bunch somewhere in the range of 6 and 12 years.

From 6 to 9 years: finding the world

Now it is important to start to give a few straightforward and fundamental clarifications on the most proficient method to utilize computer games, TV, computerized in getting to music, recordings, photographs. It is important to set exact principles, to give the kid the apparatuses to start to safeguard himself while trying not to fall into unreasonable discussions. 

No Internet, no TV in the room. What’s more the phone? It is an innovation created for distance correspondence: considering that Italian youngsters are the most safeguarded in Europe, with an independence rate in the school-home way of just 8%, the need to furnish them with a cell phone is very unfathomable: there is no particular requirement for this.

We attempt to know the interests and tastes of our kids and to go with them to find the imagination and potential that innovation could offer: we help them to take pictures yet in addition to regard their picture and that of others.

It is at this stage that the right way to deal with school review creates one of the significant issues on the plate right now concerns the colossal measure of innovative info that is hitting our youngsters and teens. A few so-called specialists accept they can resolve the issue utilizing the contention of performing various tasks which, rather than offering genuine logical proof, seems, by all accounts, to be a theory made impromptu.

From 9 to 12 years: the advancement of relational abilities

Up to 9 no Internet. Why 9 years? This is the age when you quit trusting in Santa Claus when kids escape otherworldly reasoning, and their psychological capacities start to work in a more levelheaded and elaborate sense. Presently they can progressively cooperate with the world likewise through computerized devices. In the pre-juvenile and young adult age, a time of life starts in which kids need to move away from the family to fabricate something of their own, and they need their space.

They will ask you for your PDA, they will examine more with their companions about the potential outcomes and innovative instruments accessible. Starting here of view, the cell phone denotes the progress to a period of more noteworthy independence, in which the primary solicitations start: to eat pizza with companions, to move between different places without going with, and the phone is what it offers. Today our organization ensures at least security. In this sense, there is positively no compelling reason to have a cell phone.

Then, at that point, there are a few standards: an opportunity to dedicate to video pg slot game screens; Internet just in the house; the PC in a space of the house that is open to anybody; the addition of passwords and parental control channels. This is a stage wherein a more prominent fatherly mediation should happen in the definition and progressively, in the arrangement of instructive principles. It is the dad who has the undertaking of dealing with the period of alienation from the family climate, to find the world and associations with peers.

A great deal of consideration is required, a couple of futile and humiliating conversations, the recognizable proof of social principles that include the entire family: no wireless at the table, regard for the conversationalist, thoughtfulness regarding the utilization and sharing of pictures and recordings on informal communities.

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