Kashmir Tour Package : Everything To Know


If you’re reading this article, then you’re thinking about visiting “paradise” on earth. You might want to get away for the weekend with your big family, or might want to enjoy some much-needed couple time or just some me-time. Whatever, Kashmir is perfect for making a great trip. 

Formerly a prince state, it is now a disputed territory between China, India and Pakistan. Nestled in the Himalayan ranges, it is the 19th largest state in India. You’d be surprised to know it has a major Muslim population. Kashmir used to be the name of the valley between the great Himalayas and the Pir Panjal range. Now, it covers a greater area of Jammu and Kashmir under the Indian military, and Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan which are under Pakistan authority, while Aksai chin and Trans-Karakoram tract are under Chinese control.

Its cultural mix mainly includes Muslims, with Hindus, Sikhs and Buddhists in the melting pot. Kashmir is divided into three main regions- Jammu, the Kashmir valley and Ladakh. They offer breathtaking mountains and hills, undiscovered valleys, cultural shrines and isolated mountains. While you’re here you can feel the people’s warm embrace and rich culture to explore. While bearing such harsh climate conditions, including political tensions, the locals try to maintain good decorum and routine lifestyles. Kashmir is for everyone from nature lovers to thrill seekers willing to try new things. The experiences will keep wanting you more.

Some quick facts of Kashmir include Srinagar being its summer capital and Kashmir winter capital. Its official language is Urdu. It has great homestays, luxury hotels, hostels for affordable travel and eco-friendly resorts for people to explore.

With that in mind, let’s look at some of the best and most affordable packages for you to enjoy the best Kashmir has to offer.


This package offers you a complete tour of Hills and valleys, including rivers and lakes. The tour is about 4-15 days. You can travel by Srinagar, Jammu and Leh airport. The suggested time to visit is from October to March. It cost about INR 12,200.


This package covers Srinagar, Gulmarg and Pahalgam spanning over 5 nights and 6 days. This is completely changeable. The tour’s itinerary involves :

DAY 1 – Reaching Srinagar

On arriving in Srinagar, an aide will assist you and get you in a houseboat. After this, you can enjoy a shikara ride on Dal lake. While ending the perfect day with dinner on the houseboat.

DAY – 2 – Taking in the sights at Srinagar

Once you are done with breakfast in the morning, take a stroll around Srinagar to take in the sights. In the end, spend your night at the hotel.

Day 3 – Discovering Gulmarg

In the morning, check out the hotel and go ahead to Gulmarg. Make sure you take in the local sights for a better Kashmir experience. Try the Gondola ride from Gulmarg to Khilanmarg. End the day with dinner and much-needed sleep at your hotel.

DAY 4 – Going to Pahalgam

In the morning, go to Pahalgam. After walking through the local sights, I went to the Overa Aru Wildlife sanctuary. Later, end the day with food and sleep at your hotel.

DAY 5 – Pleasure trip to Srinagar

In the morning, check out of the hotel and head back to Srinagar. Spend the day just taking in the exceptional beauty. Then end the day with dinner at your hotel.

DAY 6 – Departure

In the morning, check out from the hotel and head back to Srinagar Airport to reach home.


This package covers 5 nights/6 days, from Srinagar to Gulmarg, to Phalagam and finally back to Srinagar. This trip too is changeable according to your needs. It costs about INR 15,000 per person. This trip has highlights like one night stay in a houseboat in Srinagar and complimentary lunch at a houseboat. 

This trip includes visiting world famous Mughal gardens, dropping by at Nishat Bagh, Shalimar Bagh, and Shankracharya Temple. 


This package covers 3 nights/ 4 days, from Srinagar to Gulmarg and Pahalgam. This trip is changeable. This package is more about experiencing the wonders of Kashmir. Like having a picnic in “Meadow of flowers” in Gulmarg, a pony ride for your kids, visiting the “valley of shepherds”, Pahalgam, en route to saffron field, Awantipura ruins and Mattan temple.

That’s all folks! Make sure you try all these packages and explore more to your liking. Until next time.

Meta description:

“If there is a heaven on earth , it is here,it is here  “ said by jahangir,the mughal emperor about kashmir. Kashmir  is one of the tourist destinations in India .”

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