dhyan mudra

Yoga Lover’s Guide to the Dhyana Mudra

The above statement is from Sage Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras which means – When there is uninterrupted flow of thoughts and awareness, the Dhyana (Meditation) arises.

One hard fact you should keep in mind is – Dhyana is not easy to practice. So, to help the mind move on this path you practice the Dhyana Mudra in yoga.

What is the Dhyana Mudra?

The Dhyana Mudra is a popular yogic hand gesture. You practice this mudra to help the mind enter a state of calm and peace. Dhyana Mudra requires you to place the right hand over the left hand and join both thumb tips in a diagonal position.

Daily practice of this yoga mudra improves your level of concentration and balances the dual nature of your mind. The Yoga Alliance certification can help you understand everything about this powerful yoga mudra.

Let us now focus on what the word Dhyana means.

Meaning of Dhyana

You can understand the word Dhyana by focusing on its root terms – Dhi and Yana.

In this, the word Dhi refers to the process of thinking or perceiving. On the other hand, the word Yana refers to the practice of moving. Dhyana is one of the eight limbs of yoga as per the Yoga Sutras.

In Buddhist tradition, Gautama Buddha did Dhyana mudra to reach the stage of enlightenment.

Do you know the position of your hands in this Mudra also signify a deep meaning? Keep reading to know what it is.

Dhyana Mudra – The Deep Meaning

As per the Buddhist tradition, the joining of two thumbs forms a triangle. This triangle represents the three aspects of Buddhism – Buddha, Sangha (Community), and Dharma (Good law).

Your right hand represents knowledge, wisdom, and awareness. On the flip side, your left hand represents the fantasy of existence in this world. Keeping your right hand over the left hand in Dhyana Mudra represents dominance of knowledge as well as awareness of wordly illusions.

It also indicates the balance of dualities (hot & cold, solar & lunar, masculine & feminine)in your body. Sign up for the RYT certification If you want to learn everything about this hand mudra.

It is time we look at how you can practice the Dhyana Mudra.

Steps to Practice Hand Mudra

  • Sit in Sukhasana or Padmasana. Keep your spine completely straight.
  • Rest your left hand on your lap with the palm facing upwards.
  • Place the back of your right hand over the left hand.
  • Align the fingers with each other. Stretch them fully.
  • Touch the tip of your thumb of both hands together. It forms a triangle-like structure.
  • Close your eyes. Take deep and slow breaths.
  • Hold this pose unmoved for 15 minutes.
  • Slowly open your eyes and release the Mudra smoothly.

But, there is a variation of this hand mudra.

Dhyana Mudra Variation

In this variation, the seating posture remains the same. The position of your hands might be a bit different.

  • Curl your index finger to touch the tip of the thumb. This makes a circle-like the one in Gyan Mudra.
  • Keep the palms upwards. Put your left hand on the lap and right hand palm over your left hand’s palm.

The Yoga Alliance certification will teach you the complete process of this powerful yoga mudra.

Let us now check out what benefits this Mudra brings.

Benefits of Dhyana Mudra

Given below are 4 major benefits of Dhyana mudra practice.

  • Dhyana Mudra helps you dive deeper into meditation. This makes it an excellent yogic technique to help you in the spiritual journey.
  • The left and right side of your body, and the brain remain active in Dhyana mudra. It helps maintain balance between the left and right side of your brain and body.
  • The Dhyana mudra brings calmness and relaxation to your mind. It minimizes negative emotions like anger, depression, stress, and anxiety.
  • This yoga mudra stimulates the Ida and Pingala Nadi. It improves your focus and level of attention.


Want to improve your level of focus and concentration? Make sure you practice Dhyana mudra daily. Join a Yoga Alliance certification to understand the yogic meaning and significance of this hand gesture.

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