How to Integrate WordPress to Shopify: A Step-by-Step Explanation

It’s a well-known fact: is the most remarkable CMS on the web. Sadly, its Ecommerce modules generally fail to impress anyone – despite the fact that WooCommerce is the biggest eCommerce stage on the web.

Shopify, a facilitated eCommerce stage, dominates in each aspect of Ecommerce that WordPress theme free vacillates yet comes up short with its massive and unintuitive blog board.

Getting everything rolling

Prior to hopping into the bit-by-bit directions on the best way to add WordPress to Shopify, you really want to choose how to coordinate your site’s area structure since it is as of now difficult to oversee both Shopify and from a solitary administrator board.

This implies that you should log in to Shopify to deal with your items from one spot and log in to WordPress to deal with your blog content from another. It tends to be a piece irritating, however assuming that your business system relies upon content showcasing, building a local area, or making greeting pages then, at that point, you’ll be cheerful you did.

Establishment Requirements

Shopify and WordPress are in a general sense unique. Shopify is a facilitated stage though is self-facilitated. WordPress offers a prohibitive facilitated stage also (that you can pay for and coordinate with Shopify), yet for this instructional exercise and your site, we’ll adhere to the free self-facilitated rendition, which is hugely more extendable.

Click here to get more familiar with the distinction between facilitated, self-facilitated, and the WordPress stages.

The center contribution of Shopify is that they oversee and have items, orders, and installments for you. This isn’t true with the free WordPress stage so you’ll have to set up a facilitating account and introduce WordPress on your own server. Our companions at WPKube have an amazing aide on the best way to introduce WordPress both physically or utilizing different instruments. It’s much more straightforward than it sounds, however you can constantly enlist a specialist to deal with it for you.

Website design enhancement Implications

Something else to consider is the SEO effect of your segment. Assuming you decide to move existing substance, you’ll have to set up a progression of URL diverts so you don’t lose your current SEO ‘connect juice’. Any other way, guests will arrive on 404 mistake pages, which will make them despondent and procure you a few punishments with the web crawlers making you lose rank.

Since you’re including the additional stage of a subdomain (, it’s essential to take note that web crawlers will treat it practically like another webpage; it won’t acquire any SEO rank from the root. Therefore it’s best practice to utilize subdirectories rather than subdomains, however tragically, we can’t do that.

Exchanging Content and Products

Displaying items on your blog is basic for changing over blog guests into paying clients. You’ll likely need to show your items on your blog sidebars or on different pages. In any event, you’ll require a connection to the store in the route.

There are no WordPress modules to coordinate the two stages, yet fortunately, Shopify has a strong gadget that upholds these requirements. Show individual items, a ‘Purchase Now’ button, or even burden the whole Shopify store in a popup on your WordPress site!

Attempting to show your blog entries on your Shopify themes free download website? Shopify offers Feedburner reconciliation as a workaround for a straightforward WP feed.

Moving Shopify Blog Content

Assuming you have existing blog entries and pages on Shopify and need to move them to your new WordPress website, you’ll have to do it physically on the grounds that Shopify doesn’t offer a basic product include.

The most effective method to Add WordPress to Shopify


  1. You have a current Shopify store at the root space (
  2. You need to make another WordPress blog at the ‘blog’ subdomain (
  3. And, you are wonderful.

Stage 1: Get Hosting

Since you’ll utilize WordPress, you’ll have to buy a facilitating represent it to live on.

In most low-traffic cases, straightforward shared facilitating will do the trick.

However, you ought to likewise investigate VPS and Dedicated facilitating.

As of late, Managed WordPress Hosting (like WP Engine) has likewise surfaced and offers extraordinary highlights for WordPress clients.

Anything you pick, when you buy a record you’ll approach server space and be prepared to introduce WordPress.

Stage 2: Setup Subdomain

Since you have a clean canvas for a server, it’s an ideal opportunity to make a subdomain.

Login to your server’s cPanel and snap the Subdomains application.

  • On the off chance that you don’t have the foggiest idea how to arrive.
  • If it’s not too much trouble, contact your host or audit their documentation.
  • The facts may confirm that they are expected to make the subdomain for your sake.
  • Inside the application, it will just request that you name the subdomain.
  • Its root, and the area of the document registry (this will be produced consequently.

So don’t contact me except if you realize what you’re doing).

Click make and your subdomain is prepared for its WordPress establishment!

Stage 3: Install WordPress on the Subdomain

Introducing WordPress is an all-around covered subject on the web, so we will not waste time here. Track within the video above, or look at a portion of these extraordinary articles.

Kindly note that you might have to get to WordPress through a brief URL or IP address to set it up. On the off chance that this transitory location isn’t accessible, kindly complete stage 3 and return to this progression.

The essential distinction here is that you want to introduce it to the new subdomain you made.

Prior to changing DNS records and making your WordPress blog live.

You might need to take some time and get the website how you like it. Add a topic, modules, and content before openly sharing the new blog.

Stage 4: Modify DNS Records

Presently it gets a piece specialized.

Since you have Shopify arrangement and running on your space.

It implies that the DNS record for your area is pointed at Shopify.

The most essential DNS record will let the program know.

  • That all data comes from a solitary web have – for this situation, Shopify’s servers.
  • To stack WordPress on ‘’.
  • You really want to add another DNS record that advises the program to take a gander.
  • At your new host provided that somebody explores the subdomain.
  • To do that, sign in to your space recorder (where you bought the area) and explore ‘All Host Records’ for your area.
  • Each enlistment center will change, so kindly exploration or contact the recorder’s help for help.
  • In ‘All Host Records’, snap to add another DNS record.
  • The new record will probably be ‘A Record’ (a DNS record that focuses on an IP) contingent upon your host.
  • And its worth will be the IP address of your host’s server.

The ‘Host Name’ or ‘Name’ worth will be the full blog URL – for this situation, ‘’.

After a timeframe, the new DNS record will engender through the web and you will actually want to see your WordPress website on ‘’. To emphasize:

  1. Do not alter any current DNS records, simply add another DNS record with ‘’ as the name and a worth that focuses to your new host.
  2. Your DNS will currently let guests know that ‘’ is on Shopify and that ‘’ is on a different host.
  3. You can now blog openly on WordPress by signing in to ‘’!


There’s a great deal to consider before really figuring out how to add WordPress to Shopify. It might appear to be frustratingly specialized and may not be the ideal answer for what you imagined, yet it could give the additional edge your business needs.

On the off chance that you have any specialized inquiries concerning execution, if it’s not too much trouble, contact your host, recorder, and Shopify. Their help professionals have taken care of huge loads of inquiries very much like yours. In the event that you actually find your inquiries unanswered, go ahead and remark underneath and we’ll give our all to help!.

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